Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We're done!

English Comp II is practically over!!! only 3 more days!!
I'm very happy that we didn't have to take an exam and that this scrapbook replaced it. Brilliant idea!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

No Class

APRIL 12, 2007

Since there was only 7 people that showed up for class we were given the option to either finish the movie Borat go home. Of course we chose to go home, which made me very happy because I was not a fan of the movie at all!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not True!

We were talking in class how often in research papers and autobiography the writer embellishes the truth. Sometimes it is very hard for the reader to even know that what the writer is saying is no true. I didn't know until we talked about it in class that the book A Child Called It was an example of this. I read that book when i was in elementary school and this whole time I thought it was true.


According to Mr. Barry he invented the snack wrap at McDonald's. The chicken strips sales were decreasing and when he would get bored he would make his own concoctions and see if other people liked them. When he started giving out free samples to the customers, the manager ended up sending his recipe to corporate. Then the snack wrap was placed on the menu.

Monday, April 2, 2007


Why do people ask question in research papers? The reason the reader is reading the paper is because they want to find out more about the topic or they don't know anything from the beginning. Why ask questions, the reader doesn't know or they would be the one writing the paper. I'll admit I have asked questions in research papers. Normally because I was using them as an easy way to make the paper longer.

Contemporary Fiction

At the beginning of the year we talked about contemporary fiction and how different it is now then what it used to be years ago. In my opinion I find a lot of it disturbing and too graphic for what I want to read, but I guess that is why everyone pick what they want to read.